Friday, March 7, 2014

Catching Up!

Hello dear readers! I am so sorry to keep you waiting for another post! I have been so busy with homework, tests, projects, and assignments that I have barely had time to even go to sleep, let alone write a post! I know, no excuses! Anyway, let's catch up, shall we? Within the past week, I have been all over campus doing all kinds of things and talking with all kinds of people. And what I've noticed is that everyone's true colors are starting to come out. This, obviously, can be taken in both a good way and in a bad way. Some people, I have come to learn, I like more than I thought I did. I have also found out that some people are more like me than I previously thought- we share common interests, similar family backgrounds, and nearly identical viewpoints on the world. And then, there are those other people: the kind of people that everyone seemed to be friends with in the beginning of the year, that now everyone has a problem with! Let me backtrack and explain what I mean. In the beginning of the year, certain people seemed to be widely accepted by many different friend groups. They were the people that had "best friends" within two weeks of school starting. But now, when you start to talk to them, you learn that they have fallen in and out friendships several times. Then you talk to other people that seem to really like them- and they will tell you their own story about that person (or people) and why they no longer like them! If you are thinking that this sounds like high school all over again, I can assure you, that is exactly what it feels like sometimes! There is so much back and forth gossip, people giving you their side of the story, and people showing you exactly who they are, whether who they are is good or not so great. And where do I fall in the middle of all of this? I would like to think of myself as the 'active bystander.' And by this, I mean that I stand back and let it all happen while trying not to get involved. But the reason I say 'active' bystander is because while I watch this all unfold, I am able to take stock of what I really want in a friend. This way, I see people's true selves without being in the mix or taking sides of any one party. And as a result, I can decide which friendships I want to pursue and which I don't want to pursue now that I know what their true personality is. Just to give you a little context of the conditions that I'm writing this in right now (not that it has anything to do with anything), but let's just say that it's Friday night. My whole floor has gotten all gussied up to go out and party... and here I am, writing a blog post. It's obnoxiously loud in this building, and it sounds like the ceiling is going to cave in at any moment. There are drunk males roaming the hall, and quite honestly, I am one step away from locking my door. Thus begins another Friday night at the nut house... I mean, at college! Welp, I'm going to get up and go lock the door before the parade decides to make a stop at my room! In the mean time, dear readers, feel free to leave me a comment or a note saying hi! And also, don't forget to follow me on all social media sites listed on the right side of the page or also by putting your email in the box at the top right of the page! As usual, thanks for reading! -That Busy/Exhausted/Slightly Afraid University Girl

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