Sunday, November 9, 2014

Time Flies

Wow- time certainly flies when you aren't paying attention! I clearly haven't written here in a while, so I think that's a telling sign that I have been so busy since the last time I posted. And what's even weirder is that I have finally had a chance to look up, and now that I did, I am realizing that there are only 4 weeks (barely!) left of the semester!!!!!

I really can't believe how much faster this school year has gone by in comparison to last year. I am convinced that this time last year, I was still stuck in September, barely making it through another day of classes, another night away from home. Each minute felt like a hour, each hour like a day, each day like a year. But somehow, I got through it.

This year, the days have been long, but the weeks have been moving so quickly! I am still unsure of how we got to November already! Soon it will be Thanksgiving, and shortly thereafter it will be Christmas (and I will have about four or five weeks off to do nothing but eat Christmas cookies and watch movies all day)!

But until then, I have a lot still to come, a lot to accomplish before I can enjoy myself in the comfort of my own home.  So really, wish me luck in the coming weeks, and hopefully I will be able to drop in more often to get back to doing what I love the most: writing!

Until then,

That University Girl

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