Saturday, February 21, 2015

Blessing in Disguise

I have recently been in a period of transition, a metamorphosis of sorts where I am starting to figure out exactly who I am, and not only figure out what I want, but what I deserve. 

If you have seen a previous post of mine, you will recall that I have recently fallen out of friendship with someone I once considered my best friend. In this midst of this, I have also been experiencing some tension here at school; to keep it simple (and polite), there are some people here who have a lack of respect for others and cannot find some decency within themselves to treat others humanely. 

It is easy for me to be discouraged with some of the things that I have experienced lately. It is easy to see this all as bad luck, as being dealt a poor hand. However, I have learned that in the most trying of moments, there is always a lesson to be found, and the most difficult of moments often end up revealing a hidden blessing.

Everything I have experienced in the past few months has infuriated me, upset me, and at some moments reduced me to tears. But each moment of anger, each moment of sadness, and each tear I shed changed me. 

The people that hurt me inadvertently helped me; they made me stronger. They taught me that I deserve better, that I can attain better, and I will attain better. Each moment of pain hit me in the gut, but then touched me in the soul; it hurt like a fresh battle wound, but each wound toughened me and prepared me for the next battle. 

So in a way, I want to thank them for the pain they inflicted on me. Because instead of hurting me, they helped me grow. They helped me to see my own value, and better yet, they helped me act upon that newfound value. 

Everyone has experienced or will experience pain like this at some point or another. But I encourage you all to look for the blessing in the mess; it will be difficult to do, but once you find it, it will change you. You will grow and become the person you were always meant to be And as for those who tried to bring you down- they will then have the pleasure of admiring you from below as you shine at the top.

Hang in there,

That University Girl 

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