Saturday, December 28, 2013

What's Your Top Choice???

This time last year, I was in the process of deciding just what college I would going to be attending in Fall 2013. There were so many different factors that I was considering, like the amount of scholarship I was given, how far away the school was from home, if it was in a safe area, and so on. If you are a high school senior going through this decision-making process right now, I completely understand your feelings at this point in the process. And I can promise you that one day, the decision will become clear. But until that day, I also understand how frustrating it can be. During the holiday season, you are gathering with relatives and family friends and they are constantly asking you, "What school are you going to?" or "What's your top choice school?" Now, if you are anything like me, these incessant questions will drive you crazy and you will give absolutely no one a straight answer. And if you are really like me, you couldn't give a straight answer because, quite frankly, you didn't have a top choice and felt like that was "abnormal" because everyone and their mother had a top choice college that they were hoping to get accepted to. So here is my message to you: it is TOTALLY ACCEPTABLE AND NORMAL to not have a top choice school! I know it makes the decision-making process a little bit harder because all of the schools are on a level playing field, but that doesn't mean that making a decision is impossible. Try to focus on the pros and cons of each school, and make lists for each one. Then, try to consider what you are looking for in a school: do you want to go to a small or big school? City or country? Does it have your desired major? Once you do this, compare the lists of pros and cons for each school to your wish-list and this should help to at least eliminate some of the schools that don't have most of the qualifications on your list. Of course, this is not a surefire way to pick the school of your dreams, but it can help move you in the right direction. And most importantly, don't stress about this decision. Yes, it is very important to choose a school that will prepare you for the job of your dreams. But try not to make it so stressful and so overbearing of a decision that it occupies your thoughts 24/7. Try to keep a clear, open mind and the decision may make itself. And one more thing: try not to get caught up in what your friends or classmates are doing, or if they made their decisions yet, etc. My high school made the college decision-making process a big deal, and everyone had this "college fever" thing where they had to announce their stresses, their successes, and even their failures. I know it's hard to do, but try not to pay attention to what everyone else is doing. This is your process, your journey. Take it one day at a time, and one day you will proudly be able to say "In the fall, I will be attending [insert university here]" and you will feel a peace about your decision. Until then, take it easy and don't stress; your decision will be made soon, I promise. -That Reminiscent University Girl

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